Daniel Harris aka #DAych Featured in #LOV3RZ Magazine August

#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012.

D'AYCH Music Movement Music Volume 2 is coming your way SOON!
Daniel Harris aka D'Aych (D.H) is featured in the #LOV3RZ Magazine August edition. He is a great friend and amazing #CHH artist who takes his music to the streets of Milwaukee.... He is using HIP-HOP for his Evangelistic PURPOSE.

His first single from the "D'Aych Movement Music Volume 2" project, "Black Out 2" is now available on Bandcamp & ummm... it's (FIRE)


#ChristianMusic #ChristianHipHop #ChristianRap #ChristianArtist #JesusMusic #Rapping4Jesus

You can hear D'AYCH Movement Music Volume one on Reverbnation:

New Publication

#LOV3RZ Magazine August 2017

60 pages, published 7/14/2017
#LOV3RZ Magazine Clean, Positive, Independent Music Worldwide, All Genres, Digital & Print
Find out more on MagCloud

If you are an independent artist who makes clean music with a positive message and want to be featured in an upcoming edition of #LOV3RZ Magazine, please email your bio, social links & 2 MP3's to featuremeinyourmag@gmail.com


Founder, #LOV3RZ Worldwide

